
Showing posts from December, 2021

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Daily Trading updates 2025

Experience will make you a Better Trader 😎📝

😎📝  I am sure you have ask yourself that question How can i become a better trader / investor ? Here are 5 kills you will need to do to become a better trader  1.Becoming a trader requires a background in math, engineering, or hard science, rather than just finance or business. 2.Traders need research and analytical skills to monitor broad economic factors and day-to-day chart patterns that impact financial markets. 3.The ability to focus and concentrate, particularly in a chaotic, fast-moving environment, is an underappreciated but crucial skill for traders  4.Self-control is crucial, as well as the ability to regulate emotions despite developments that could be upsetting .  5.Accurate record-keeping is important for trader accountability and for learning and improving.

The Perfect Gift to yourself this Year to Upgrade your Trading Desk

15.6’’ Triple Laptop Screen Extender Monitor Portable, DIY 1080P FHD Portable Dual Monitor