
Showing posts from January 18, 2021

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My secret tip on how i get 10% Cash Back each time i shop at Walmart

        Hi, i am Jeff  from Florida , Miami and  I am ashamed at the amount of money my family of four spends on food πŸ”πŸ•πŸΌπŸπŸœπŸžπŸ·. I have two kids 8 and 6 and two adults in the house to feed and we overspend to the tune of over $3k with eating out and groceries in a given month.                  πŸ‘‰  WALMART 10% CASH BACK   Here is a Pic of the total Cash Back so far I was able to get on my last trip to Walmart buying groceries 

$AAL $30 Price target on American Airlines by june

The Trump administration is planning to lift Covid-19 travel restrictions on most foreign visitors from Europe, the U.K. and Brazil later this month, according to a person familiar with the matter. The White House put the rules place early in the pandemic to curb the spread of the virus. Last week, the U.S. said it would require travelers arriving from abroad, including U.S. citizens, to test positive for corona virus before flying, That requirement takes effect on Jan. 26, when the Trump administration plans to lift the travel ban, which was reported earlier by Reuters. Airlines have repeatedly asked the U.S. government to lift the travel bans, which have contributed to a sharp decline in air travel demand, with pre-flight tests. Follow the writer at @juliothetrader  On twitter for More infos

The Perfect Gift to yourself this Year to Upgrade your Trading Desk

15.6’’ Triple Laptop Screen Extender Monitor Portable, DIY 1080P FHD Portable Dual Monitor