
Showing posts from January 13, 2021

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$NKLA Stock could more than Double this year 🚀 🌙

Nikola $NKLA  said late Tuesday that it has finalized a deal to receive affordable electricity needed to produce hydrogen for the company's planned fueling network and the stock skyrocket 🚀 to the Moon on wenesday , with more than 20 Percent Gain  The company said it has secured a rate schedule with Arizona Public Service, a unit of utility holding company  Pinnacle West Capital  $PNW, that Nikola says "makes possible the accelerated development of hydrogen-based fueling solutions for the transportation industry." This deal will allow Nikola to speed up its   development of hydrogen fuel for its vehicles. That includes having it act as a developer of a “zero-emission heavy-duty freight corridor along the I-10 freeway between Los Angeles and Phoenix.” Juliothetrader posted his $NKLA profits Follow him on Twitter @juliothetrader

The Perfect Gift to yourself this Year to Upgrade your Trading Desk

15.6’’ Triple Laptop Screen Extender Monitor Portable, DIY 1080P FHD Portable Dual Monitor