$HCMC has a $1 Price Target by Analyst #HCMCDAY

More than 5000% Gain in the few Months coming , according to some of the top traders and analyst in the US. This company's stock has unbelievable potential for growth . the stock was trading at 0.0012 just a few weeks ago ..but now its up 150% since then . Today May 1st 2021 the stock was trading at 0.0035 a share before dropping to 0.0024 a share before close. Here is a short summary about this company Healthier Choices Management Corp. (www.healthiercmc.com) is a holding company focused on providing consumers with healthier daily choices with respect to nutrition and other lifestyle alternatives. Through its wholly owned subsidiary HCMC Intellectual Property Holdings, LLC, the Company manages and intends to expand on its intellectual property portfolio. The Company currently operates nine retail vape stores in the Southeast region of the United States, through which it offers e-liquids, vaporizers and related products. The Company also operates Ada's Natural Marke...