According to a Day trader at 500percentGain …tweets like the one pictured above can cause Volatility in the market and that's a Trader Best thing ever, because when the Market is Volatile traders can capitalize on the ups and downs of the market very easy. Days when Trump tweets a lot are associated with negative stock market returns, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said Tuesday in a report. The brokerage’s chief equity strategist, Savita Subramanian, wrote in a note that “since 2016, days with more than 35 tweets (90 percentile) by Trump have seen negative returns (-9bp), whereas days with less than 5 tweets (10 percentile) have seen positive returns (+5bp) — statistically significant.” A basis point is 0.01 percent. In other words, when Trump tweets more than usual, the stock market tends to fall slightly, on average. “Trade talk, political campaigning and tweets have contributed to volatility, from China to Fed policy to tax policy,” she wrote. “And new ta...