
Showing posts from June, 2024

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Daily Trading updates 2025

Trump Reelection Spells Economic Disaster and Global Turmoil

  1. Trade Policy Uncertainty:  During his first term, Trump initiated trade wars with several major trading partners, most notably China. These tariffs led to retaliatory measures and created uncertainty in global markets. If reelected, Trump could continue his unpredictable trade policies, further destabilizing international trade relationships and hindering economic growth. 2. Volatility in Financial Markets:  Trump's presidency has been marked by volatility in financial markets, often triggered by his tweets and policy announcements. His unpredictable behavior and tendency to make abrupt policy changes could continue to create uncertainty, leading to fluctuations in stock prices, currency values, and investor confidence. 3. Economic Nationalism and Isolationism:  Trump has promoted an "America First" agenda, emphasizing protectionist policies and reducing international cooperation. This approach may isolate the US from global economic opportunities, stifle innova...

The Perfect Gift to yourself this Year to Upgrade your Trading Desk

15.6’’ Triple Laptop Screen Extender Monitor Portable, DIY 1080P FHD Portable Dual Monitor